Saturday, November 17, 2007

Thing 2 Assignment

There are 7 1/2 habits of lifelong learners, according to the Public Library of Charlotte and Mecklenburg County---see the tutorial at

1. Begin with the end in mind.
2. Accept responsibility for your own learning.
3. View problems as challenges.
4. Have confidence in yourself as a competitive effective learner.
5. Create your own learning toolbox.
6. Use technology to your advantage.
7. Help teach/mentor others.
7.5. Play (be curious).

Let's see of of these habits, which is the hardest and which is the easiest?

I am all for lifelong learning. I like learning and using new things, especially at work (where it is easy to fall into the same routine and stagnate). I like to feel I am moving forward.

The habit that is easiest for me is 7.5. Yeah, I like to have play with new things. I look forward to finding out about new tools and new trends---that is, if I have the time. I just signed up for a Facebook account less than a week ago. I find I learn best by doing things hands on and just going where my curiosity takes me.

The hardest habit for me is 1. It's hard for me to think in the long term, so goals (the end) are hard for me to plan, especially since I'm open to change. It's hard to plan how to accomplish a goal when you don't really know what your goal is :P

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