Monday, January 14, 2008

Thing 30 The End

It's the end! It's the end! Yes, it's the end of the Learning 2.0 program---didn't think I'd make it this far, but somehow it still happened. Though there are quite a few things that can be fixed, it's still worth doing and definitely something I'd probably do, if something like it is offered in the future. Get some neat training on work time (and a nice incentive for finishing helps, too)? What more can you ask for?

What unexpected things did I see with this program? Ha ha me finishing, for one. I remember looking at the list before the program started and wondered if I'd ever get through all these tools. I got through them all, usually on time, and found that it wasn't that bad once I did them. Working with other coworkers on this was a nice experience, and I wish there was more of it happening. I like sharing what I know. There were only a few people who'd I talk to or who would talk to me about the various tasks, but it's the same few I'm closer to. I also found that supervisor support was a big help. Right at the beginning, the supervisors stated that they wanted all staff to participate, and we have been encouraged to use our time off the desk and been provided on location lab times to work on this program. I talked to friends at other locations and found that they were not being encouraged by supervisors to participate and might not even be given the time/opportunity to do this! It's too bad for these people, and it seems like this program can be more successful and beneficial to staff if the supervisors support and advocate it.

Things to improve on this program:

-Cutting down on the boring articles to read. I know we need to get perspective when we do these tasks, but old and needlessly wordy articles do not help (or keep you awake). Can the focus be on the doing, more than reading?

-Web 2.0 is much more social and to be a part of something, you have to join to really get a feel for it, but, still, is there a way around creating numerous accounts? Could the library or each agency create an account and pass out the userID and password to staff?

-Could the Things be released per week singly or in two's? I found it was a little overwhelming when we got to having three tasks to do in addition to regular work. It seems like we have to rush to get it done within the week. Technically, there's an extra month after the 12 weeks, but each week feels like a deadline, and it feels like if I don't get it done in a week, then I'm behind when there are new tasks the next week.

-Maybe the beginning of the program needs to be reorganized? The first 2 weeks were confusing because we were reading a lot of articles before we got to blogging or doing anything. I think all the articles to read were a turn off for some.

-Can websites normally filtered by the city be unblocked for the program's duration? It was frustrating when I would try to work on an assignment and get a Websense filter blocking me.

All in all, a worthwhile program to participate in!


Still in Wonder said...

You sure really helped me out when I needed a co-worker's help. Thanks for everything especially the MYSPACE!

Lady Black, the Raven said...

I agree it was nice to work with the co-workers in the out of the norm type of activities. I whole-heartily agree with the cutting down of articles, I found that at times I was falling asleep at the computer, almost felt like I was in class while I was on winter break. Congrats on finishing.

Cindy Hart said...

Congrats! You did an awesome job.

Cindy Hart said...

Funny thing about the articles! If you look closely, you will see that the Discovery Resources match a variety of learning styles and interest levels. In most cases, you were asked to read, listen or watch 2. I gave you a huge list. But, you were not required to do more than the 2. If the article was old, it was a classic. It's the reference for all the blog posts and further articles on the topic.

eaglegirl said...

I agree with your ideas and am glad we had a chance to learn so many new things on work time! A definiete win-win!

Carolyn said...

How do you make the bird shut up? I'm trying to read your words of wisdom and the rest of the building thinks there's a bird loose in the library!