Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Thing 18 Technorati

This task looks at Technorati, a website that tracks blogs and allows you to search for them from one place. Mainly, we just look around the site and try different searches. Details at this link:

Technorati. I've come across it before in reading about library or web 2.0 and have looked at the site before. I'm not really interested in reading blogs (though I guess Amazon reviews are quite similar---a personal voice giving opinion to something, which can give you something new to think about, or it's just a bunch of useless spouting/gushing), and I did not care too much for Technorati, then. After this exercise, I still don't care for it too much.

Doing the different searches, I found that doing a keyword search found the library's blog page faster. A new and surprising thing for me was finding my blog associated with the library blog, and I realized it's because I refer to the library's blog in my posts! It feels kind of strange to think that this blog may be read by others or found by others.

I'm still confused about the authority ratings. I tried to look through the Help section to find out more about authority (and claiming), and I found another reason I won't be using Technorati---the Help page is not user friendly. Mostly, it's discussion threads for specific issues. I did find an explanation for authority, but it explained more about ranking than authority and what it is.

1 comment:

Lady Bookwyrm said...

I know the feeling. I was checking back to see what thing I was on, when lo and behold I found a comment from a stranger on one of my blogs. Creepy.