Monday, December 31, 2007

Thing 23 Youtube

This week's focus is on youtube, podcasts, and vodcasts. Youtube and other similar video hosting sites allow users to upload video files. So, it's the usual, explore and write about what you think:

I've actually explored the site and use it pretty frequently. A friend who spent a lot of time online introduced me to it a year and a half ago. The first time I was on it, I was excited about finding 80s music videos that I vaguely remembered or had not seen before. I found out that people make their own music videos (clips from favorite shows put to a favorite tune) or movies. I like looking for music videos to new music I hear because I don't get to see it on tv (too much "reality shows" clogging the music channels).

The only downsides is that the video (and audio, too) quality usually are not that great (limitations on file sizes, and video files are huge). Plus, users being able to tag mean search results are more user-oriented but sometimes are as irrelevant as a Google search.

I like the site a lot, but I don't see how the library could use it, with how viewing videos can suck dry the bandwidth (even the instructions for the youtube task says not to work on this during peak internet use). Maybe the idea of libraries using it could apply to how it markets itself with videos about the library, using the library, and clips from programs.

The videos I choose from youtube to post:

-video footage someone taped of a karate practice posted, so members of the dojo can view it---beats looking at it from a camcorder screen, trying to put the footage on tape/dvd/cd (and what a waste for a short clip), and trying to email it (video footage is too large to attach)

-concert footage of the 12 Girls Band. I like their music (and it's a safe enough one to advertise about my music tastes :P), and it's neat to see footage from their concert because I haven't seen them in concert.

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Thing 22 Flickr and mashups

The final Flickr task entails going a step beyond just posting pictures online with more social networking type tools. There are other programs that can allow you to play with your digital pictures in many different ways. These programs are called mashups, and they are created by the users for other users. This week's task asks us to look at the programs and play with them. Details at:

I was a little bored with this task. I guess I didn't have enough pictures to really play with or have something in mind to do with them. Plus, there were so many applications available. I looked at the Color Pickr and the trading card creator. It was kind of neat to see different pictures being grouped by color. Still, I don't know how pictures got pulled (a program doing it or the user looking for it??). I also looked at the mosaic feature available. It's neat, but some people must have too much time on their hand to be putting something like this together. The trading card maker was neat. It's an extension of customized greeting cards, and this I had fun with choosing a design and trying to decide on what to put on the card. It would be a neat thing to do for family/friends or to make up your card game. I emailed myself a copy of the card I made but never got it.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Thing 21 Flickr and tagging

This next task has us look into Flickr and focus on the tagging side of it. It's just read some (boring) articles, think about it, and write on it. Details here:

Questions to think about this time: how is Flicker different from other photo sharing sites? Why is tagging important? What does it allow users to do? How does community develop on Flickr?

I don't know about other photo sharing sites or older ones, but I doubt they had such a social and interactive aspect (comment on specific photos) or subscriptions or tagging. Not only can people upload photos, people can share this with others by tagging, so other people with interests in the same subjects can search for them. Tags let you find photos of something you're interested in that you might not know were online. The interaction allows different people to connect through an interest in photos. People can even add tags that could describe your picture and help it be found that much more. See who else has the same interests and, if their work interests you, look at other pictures they have or even other users they subscribe to.

The articles I read seem quite positive about the use of Flickr and photosharing sites. It's always a way to promote with pictures the library and the different services it offers (be it materials, programs, organizations). Pictures have an attention-getting visual impact the way a brief article or program blurb just cannot match. Especially with tags, people can stumble across library pictures by browsing.

A concern that never got brought up was people put pictures on Flickr because they want it to be found, but what about a library putting up pictures to be found? I have found several Flickr albums of libraries and was surprised that they were so relaxed about putting children's pictures up. I understand about inanimate aspects, such as the building itself, displays, but what about programs with people in it, especially kids. They are wonderful for marketing, but it's a big deal putting someone's kid's picture on the internet, especially with name and location (I don't mind posting pictures, like on myspace and facebook, that only friends can look at, but I don't want just anyone finding or stumbling across my pictures). Plus, tagging's great, but I don't usually like to tag my pictures with people's names because I'm not going to make it easy for just anyone or stranger find them by a name search. I don't mind sharing (and neither do my friends, usually), but I want to be discreet.

Friday, December 21, 2007

Thing 20 Flickr

Christmas socks
Originally uploaded by

The next task for Learning 2.0 is learning about flickr and photo sharing. We read some articles and look around the site. Details at this link:

I guess Flickr is to photos what youtube is for videos. That was what struck me most about the site when I was exploring it. Users create an account to upload photo files, create a profile with as much or as little about themselves as they want, and they can add favorites, join groups, and comment on other people's photos---a very strong element of social networking. I started with looking at the last 7 days of interestingness, and I was impressed with some of the pictures posted. Just plain interesting shoots or professional work. I explored the profile of someone who had posted a b/w picture of a cute girl in a red sweater. My pictures seem amateurish compared to what I've seen!

An interesting thing was the copyright announcement to each picture and the note on etiquette. It seems that people online are not so thoughtful. The attitude seems to be "if it's online, and there's a way to copy it, then you can't stop me!" I haven't used other photo sharing sites, but myspace and facebook both have photo upload features, and I've uploaded many pictures. I've disabled links to my pictures, but people can still copy/save to file, and they do take my pictures.

I signed up for a Flickr account to upload this picture. The tour was easy to follow, and sign up was easy. Uploading the pictures and the processing were a little more confusing. I can't use the "edit" feature. Strangely, my picture won't show up in a search, though I have the link. Maybe it'll show up later? I hear Photobucket is more user friendly, so I'll probably check it later. I uploaded this picture with Flickr. I chose this one because it's such a fun one, and you wouldn't be able to identify who it is.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Thing 19 Web 2.0 Awards

The last task for this week's learning 2.0 is looking at the Web 2.0 Award winners and exploring sites listed.

It was a little hard for me to choose sites to explore because there were so many to choose from! I have explored Facebook some since I signed up a month ago, so I figured I better find another site to explore. It was interesting that Facebook took first place for social networking, and Myspace was only an honorable mention, especially with the hype around it.

What I ended up exploring was the web 2.0 winners for video: youtube, dailymotion, and metacafe. I was introduced to youtube some time ago, so I have used it. I like finding a variety of music videos, especially old ones or new ones that I haven't yet seen on MTV or VH1 (too many other shows on or just missed seeing it). It's also neat finding videos done by people who put songs to clips from a favorite show. I never thought of this as a web 2.0 tool, but I guess with the capability for any user to upload videos, especially videos they've created, and the social aspect (comments, favorites, subscribing to favorite users) could be considered web 2.0.

Youtube is definitely is to videos websites what Ipod is to mp3 players. It's the one referenced most when people talk about a place to find videos or talking about websites that share videos. Dailymotion and metacafe actually look very similar to youtube and function the same way but don't have as many videos (search results). I guess due to uploading restrictions the videos tend to have poor visual and audio quality, but it's better than not being able to see the videos at all! I don't know about libraries using it. I'm sure customers would love to see the videos, either entertainment or reference ones, but the internet tends to run too slowly to watch it well. For staff, sometimes our supervisor finds reference videos for us to look at.

Thing 18 Technorati

This task looks at Technorati, a website that tracks blogs and allows you to search for them from one place. Mainly, we just look around the site and try different searches. Details at this link:

Technorati. I've come across it before in reading about library or web 2.0 and have looked at the site before. I'm not really interested in reading blogs (though I guess Amazon reviews are quite similar---a personal voice giving opinion to something, which can give you something new to think about, or it's just a bunch of useless spouting/gushing), and I did not care too much for Technorati, then. After this exercise, I still don't care for it too much.

Doing the different searches, I found that doing a keyword search found the library's blog page faster. A new and surprising thing for me was finding my blog associated with the library blog, and I realized it's because I refer to the library's blog in my posts! It feels kind of strange to think that this blog may be read by others or found by others.

I'm still confused about the authority ratings. I tried to look through the Help section to find out more about authority (and claiming), and I found another reason I won't be using Technorati---the Help page is not user friendly. Mostly, it's discussion threads for specific issues. I did find an explanation for authority, but it explained more about ranking than authority and what it is.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Thing 17 Social bookmarking, tagging, folksonomy

This week's task is on social bookmarking (particularly with Read articles about, look at the library's account, and write about what we think about it (it is just a convenient bookmarking tool? useful for research). Details at this link:

I like and find it useful for work and for personal uses. It's a huge step up from an internet browser's bookmarks/favorites or a list saved on your email/other file. Like the old ways, you have a way of keeping track of favorite websites. Improvement over the old ways: Favorites can now be reached anywhere with internet access (same as if you'd bookmarked on your browser or in email)---you're no longer tied to a local computer in regards to a browser's bookmarks. Another extremely useful feature is the use of tagging where you use keywords to describe the website however you want. The tags group the sites, and it's easy to see the different groups you have. Now, takes this all up a notch with the social aspect---you can see how many have tagged the items, who they are, the tags they use, and even see other sites they have tagged. This allows you to easily find more sites, especially if you find someone else has similar tastes.

It can be useful for work. I do computer classes at my location, and, for some of my classes, I give them websites as additional resources. I print them out, but having all the websites in one place and just giving them one simple link would simplify things a lot (especially on these websites with looonnnggg addresses)!! Maybe the next time we offer classes, we can offer this, too. I have already started this and like the results so far. Another useful thing for work would be to bookmark sites the staff can use. Another coworker and I are (still, I think?) in charge of compiling a list of websites and sorting them into categories---the original idea was to have them put on our network drive. I have a 23 page of suggested websites to look through, see what the site offers, categorize them, and currently we're putting the links in a Word document broken up into categories. could simplify this so much, and the tagging would organize it a lot better than the list in Word (and the sites would be available outside of the library and it's network drive).

This tool would be useful for personal use, too. I bookmark sites on my browser and in lists on my email. This would tidy it up, especially since my bookmarks list is getting long and listed by when I added the site (no order). It is definitely a convenient bookmarking tool, and it would be useful for research as well. You can keep track of sites you find without having to write them down or copy the link to a list.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Thing 16 More about myspace

The next task involves either signing up for myspace or looking at different resources about signing up and using myspace and then write about what you think of it. Here is the link:

I actually already have a myspace and facebook account. I thought of creating a new myspace account just for this task but decided it wasn't worth the time. Both my myspace and facebook accounts are still not complete (no profile info in facebook and only some for myspace)---though, the good thing about both is that you only put as much or as little info that you want to share with others. From what I remember, the sign up process isn't hard. You have to confirm your email. Especially with myspace, there are plenty of sites that offer advice and codes to personalize your profile. Facebook does have lots of fun interactive applications that encourage participation from little things (like superpokes) to more longer or comparative type things (quizzes, rating friends).

As I said in the previous blog, I find myspace to be a little more passive. Just have pictures, comments, and messages to read or send. Maybe it is enough for teens who just want to communicate and connect. Maybe it's become a brand name for social networking, much in the way the Ipod is for mp3 players. I'm surprised that myspace is still so popular. I like facebook's interactivity and am more likely to log in, just because there's more to do, besides pictures, messages, and comments. Still, social networking sites are popular as another way to connect with other people. It's a step up from email. I can send a friend a silly superpoke as a way of saying hi as a (however small) way of keeping in touch, especially if we don't email much. It's easier to share pictures, going ons, and surveys on myspace and facebook by posting them on the profile page than emailing a bunch of people because people can look if they're interested and whenever they want. Despite myspace being somewhat passive, it is still more interactive and engaging than email.

I still check email first and prefer it as my way to communicate, though I check facebook and myspace regularly and participate (post pictures, comments, blogs, bulletins, and play the interactive games on facebook). I have found that I find "friends" from other friends pages and vice versa, and that people are more likely to add you as a friend than exchange email. It is definitely more interesting to see your new friend's profile and learn as much or as little as you want about them than just get an email address. So I have had myspace since April (I think) and facebook for about a month, and I enjoy using them greatly, especially when some of my friends are easier to reach on one of these sites instead of email.

Thing 15 Learning about Myspace

This week's Learning 2.0 focus is on myspace. It's amazing how much the focus is on reading about myspace. So, the articles we read about are supposed to help us answer this week's questions---What do you think about the library system using myspace to connect with teens? What is myspace really about? Details at this link:

Personally, I find this way of handling "learning" about myspace as disappointing as the wiki one last week. It's very passive, just read articles. It's good to learn about the issues, but maybe you should just jump in and see for yourself---maybe even give a couple of exercises to do to give some kind of structure to the learning process. Of course, if you're really motivated and interested, you'd have an account already or do it yourself, but, if this is part of a learning objective, then make it a 2.0 version instead of the "passive" 1.0 way.

Now, to answering the questions. The library using myspace to connect with teens? Sure, why not? It's just another way to connect. The articles tend to be quite positive. Teens do have a serious bone in them and do use the internet and even myspace to discuss homework. Teens can be open about their library having myspace and will even respect the library reaching out to them. The library will be connecting with teens and get honest feedback not usually heard in more traditional settings and spaces. Bullying and predators are prevalent in any medium and is probably overestimated by ignorant worried adults. That's what I'm reading in the articles. I'm curious about libraries with myspace profiles and if they have to worry about staff being inappropriate (just because it's a myspace profile doesn't mean you can say anything you want, especially not the way you would with friends). Are there problems with bullying? Are there teens who are not impressed with libraries reaching out to teens and mock it?

What is myspace really about? It can be kind of boring, actually. It's an upgraded version of email. You send messages to each other, mainly. Unless you have blogs and pictures to post, people have no reason to go to your page. Unless it's to send a hi or what are you doing/what am I doing. From what I'm reading, for teens that may be enough. It's all about communication, be it random comments and messages, especially on "trivial" stuff that is part of identity formation (fashion, media, trends, etc). I even see it in my younger siblings. It's about status, too. You collect numbers of fans, increase page views, increase numbers of comments, have top friends. Like page view count, it's cool to know people are looking at your page, but it's a bummer when you know no one has stopped by. I could do without it, so it's about the page rather than the counts (which is one of the things I like about Facebook). With myspace mainly having things to look at (be it pictures, messages, comments), it can be rather passive. I do like using social networking sites just because it's another way to communicate. Only online can you use an emoticon :)

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Thing 14 More on Wikis

Continuing with wikis, we were asked to visit the library's own wiki ( for reader's advisory and add an entry for Staff Picks. See more at this link:

It was pretty easy to do. Just click on "Edit," and start adding the entry, just as if it was something you'd type with Microsoft Word. The hard thing was choosing what to recommend and to keep it short :) Mine is the Jacqueline Carey pick. I was surprised that I did not have to register to be able to make changes---does that mean anyone visiting could change content if they wanted? Do the owners of this wiki look over the changes and approve them? How do I contact the owner about questions (like what about including pictures of the book covers)? Also, I didn't see a way to tag my entry, and the Help page was no help.

Library groups using wikis? I think I discussed it already for Thing 13---funny how the questions repeat themselves. Like how team content could be mangaged with a wiki instead of Vignette. Groups can use a wiki, much like the W drive on the network, to store the team's information and projects. Groups can use it as a marketing tool to promote their activities and programs.

Thing 13 Learn about wikis

This week's focus is on wikis. What did I find interesting about wikis? What can libraries do with wikis? For more details on the task, see it at this page:

A wiki seems to be a combination of blog and website. People who don't know anything about web editing can now create webpages with whatever content they want---business and marketing, conferences, projects, etc.

The whole social and collaborative nature of these so called web 2.0 tools still is a bit of a mystery to me. I don't see why people want to stay on the internet just to read what people have to say on discussion boards, forums, and blogs. You get inundated with information, and sometimes it's not useful or is badly presented, and that's the problem with this kind of collaboration---you get the people who are interested providing content, but it could go wrong for any reason (propaganda, gushing fandom---all love and no substance).

I think I understand it better now, if I can relate my experiences with myspace and facebook. I don't know anything about creating websites, but on these sites, I have my own page (and on myspace, my own web address). These tools no longer require that someone be tech savvy with a lot of html know-how, which opens up content to be provided by anyone who has the interest in doing so, and there are a lot of people who want to share what they know with others who may not have had the means before. More than just fans and hobbyists providing content, the ones that take it to the next level are the ones who write to relate, they have a voice and personality. Wikis are an extension of that social and collaborative nature of web tools. The kind of people interested in looking for discussion boards, forums, and blogs would be interested in finding wikis for info.

How can libraries use wikis? Well, this library system already uses one for reader advisory. I sometimes wonder if it'd be better to use a wiki for the library's own website rather than the new Vignette based one, which has the decentralized collaborative nature of a wiki, but it is quite a PITA to use. From the sounds of it, a wiki would be more user friendly in the editing stage. I already see wikis being used by specific groups for projects and group events.

It's neat to read about these tools, but I'm surprised that more hands on learning is not part of the plan. I guess it's about personal learning there---if you're really interested, you'll learn on your own---still, since this is supposedly part of the whole learning 2.0 program, you'd think it'd be more than just reading. It could be more participatory than this!

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Thing 12 More IM and its use at VBPL

The next assignment for this week things IM is a more indepth look at how the VB library system is using IM for reference work. The library has an account with meebo, a site that allows the library to have multiple IM accounts available at the same time, so a wider group of users have access to this reference service. More info of this task:

With this task, I was surprised at how short the articles were about IM reference and using meebo. I was exploring the meebo site itself and found very little info on the site itself (in the blog and help section), so I signed into my IM account (for the first time in ages). I get caught up in trends, but I have yet to catch on to IM-ing again. Then again, I never thought I would be into myspace or facebook, and now I use it almost as much as email (not more than it, still). Meebo is neat in that it's web-based, no programs to install with constant updates to install later.

Now to IM and VBPL's IM reference: Using meebo is definitely a good idea, just in how it allows for wider access to users with different IM programs. I've seen some IM reference and talked with staff who provide this service. It just started recently and was minimally advertised with minuscule bookmarks (though it's on the library website somewhere). Somedays, there are no users at all, and the staff start IM-ing themselves or other coworkers who notice the lack of hits will IM them. When it is used, there is actually real need for help. It works out mostly, though I've heard that 1 staff member had problems with someone who was too impatient, expecting immediate answers (on the phone, they'd be put on hold or the question taken down to be researched and the customer contacted later).

I was actually curious if there are lots of pranks (outside of coworkers :) ) from people who are incredulous about the new service. Okay, I've done it once, but my coworker caught on pretty quick because she was next to me :) One of the articles mentioned how a typical user greeting is "Are you a real person?" "Are you a robot?". Actually, there's been little of that, according to the one I asked. IM at its full advantage: people just ask their question and then go. Less formality than a phone call or even email but with more anonymity. I guess I'd call this a good service. It's one more service the library offers, so where's the bad in that??

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Thing 11 IM and the library

This week's Learning 2.0 focus is on IM (instant messaging). You can find the details of the task at:

I kind of expected this week's task to focus on us using IM as well as how it affects libraries, rather than just TALK about it. Shouldn't we at least have an account and use it before we even consider how it would work for the library?? Especially for those who don't already use IM have more to go on than what other people say. Like with myspace and facebook, I knew they were social networking sites, but I didn't know how they actualy did that---even Myspace for Dummies didn't give me as clear an idea until I created my account and started playing with it.

Back to IM, I signed up for an AIM account back in 1999 and probably have an MSN messnger account, a yahoo one, and one through myspace, but I don't use IM often. I used to use it a lot more, and I can see the advantages. I call it a combination of phone and email: it has the immediacy of a phone call but the advantages of writing email (less necessary immediacy than a phone call or face to face interaction). You can do the lingo, smileys/emoticons that liven up online text and give it personality, especially if you don't communicate as well verbally (tongue tied, think on your feet what to say).

Back to task, the focus of this week's task is what I think about IM and libraries. IM is just one more way of offering access to the library, and that is something to consider. I don't use IM much anymore, and I don't feel like it's as popular anymore, though I am not particularly trendy, so I'm probably wrong. It wouldn't hurt to have an IM service for customers---another way to reach the library and a way to reach the more tech savvy people. The advantages of IM are there when using IM as a service---response of a phone call, minus the immediacy of a reply, no face to face, speaking skills aren't as necessary though communication skills are still needed.

An interesting thing I saw in the articles was about using IM in work, not just for the customers, but also for staff as part of doing work. It's another tool of communication, but it's hard to think of using IM at work. It may be good for library-wide teams and talking with people in other locations, but the idea of using it for staff to communicate with each other---why don't you just get up and walk over to the desk and say it, unless it's socializing that you don't want others to hear, which is all I can think for having it as a way to communicate with coworkers. Maybe if you're at the public service desk, and you need to call for help without calling on the phone and having everyone else hear what you have to say. Though, sometimes email kind of becomes like IM, when someone sends a short email question, and you can easily get a long email conversation. So, sure IM is definitely a service to consider for customers, but I'm not sure about using it for staff work.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Thing 10 More on RSS feeds (searching for them)

Now, that we've been introduced to RSS feeds and their readers, the next step is how to keep going from there---finding feeds on your own.

This assignment gave us several websites (search engines for feeds) to find feeds. Feedster is not working (under construction). I found this assignment harder to do and a little frustrating because I don't use the internet for news to begin with, and the sites I visit regularly don't have feeds or feeds aren't useful to the site. I tried and, but I think I would rather use Google to search for sites I would be interested in rather than try to find a feed that might have what I'm looking for. A lot of the search results were to blogs, of which I have no interest in reading. Probably the best way for me to find feeds is word of mouth or from sites I do visit.

Monday, November 19, 2007

Thing 9 RSS Feeds

This week, we are looking at RSS feeds and signing up with a newsreader.

This week's exercise involves signing up with a newsreader, subscribing to several feeds, and then seeing what we think about it all.

I signed up with Google Reader---since I already have a Google account for Blogger, I only had to sign in for Google Reader. Plus, looking at the different resources on RSS feeds, readers, and specific readers, Google Reader seemed a little more easier to work with. I subscribed to several news feeds, blogs from my library system (my supervisor's blog and a couple of coworkers). I found out that not all websites have a handy subsription icon but are capable of providing feeds, so sometimes just putting in the website's URL is enough to subcribe to it.

This could be a useful tool, what with the reader looking at the websites you subscribe to and pulling all the new text to one location, but I find that the websites I visit are usually for socializing (email and social networking), for shopping, or for specific interests, rather than news. I don't see myself really using RSS feeds that much. I have not used feeds before in my personal life and don't see how that will change much. It doesn't mean that there aren't any ways to use it, say at work. I've seen how teams in charge of parts of the library website have feeds, so you can find out more easily if there's new postings. Libraries can use feeds on websites and blogs that publicize library news and events. The info is on the website for people to look for, but it can be provided to subscribers too who use the readers. It's just one more way to connect with people.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Thing 4 and 5 Assignment

This week we learned about the web the way it used to be (Web 1.0) and the way it is now (Web 2.0). Check it out here:

So, what do I think about it? When I talked to my friends and coworkers, what came out of it?

Web 2.0 means new online tools/toys to use/play with. It’s strange to think that the way we used the internet several years before is considered old fashioned. It makes all this buzz about 2.0 seem like a fashion trend, and maybe it is rather true. Up to 2 years ago, I didn’t even know of myspace, and I just signed up about half a year ago. Even now, I hear that people are bored of it, don’t have time for it, and are ready for something else. Like my cousin, who started off on myspace and was thrilled to find us finally on it, has deleted her account and switched to Facebook. Word of mouth is an amazing way of spreading info on new trends, and it’s more user friendly I think than this in-your-face campaign about Web 2.0 and Library 2.0. People writing on these topics get too caught up in the jargon and technical language---what is this “long tail” that is often referred to but never quite made clear?? I was shopping on eBay at least 4 years ago, and now it’s a prime example of Web 2.0 at work.

A lot of these tools people discover or hear about and may eventually incorporate into their lives. Labeling it and pushing it on people doesn’t change that.It seems like we’re being inundated with new toys. I finally created a myspace account, but now I’m feeling pressure from friends who have a Facebook account but no myspace account to create one. And MSN has a MSN Space profile, too, and has plenty of ways to encourage participation (reviews, forums, discussions, customize your Amazon). I still use email regularly, but I hardly use instant messenger anymore, though my email and myspace now include instant messaging. I guess it’s like how Amazon has an auction feature, but it is nowhere near as robust or active as eBay. There is just so much out there, and I’m glad there’s a chance to find out more about it.

I’ve talked with several coworkers. We found our opinions didn’t really change. There seems to be too much hype and labeling. We also found the material discussing Library 2.0 to be tedious, boring, and too full of jargon. What might work better is to see examples of 2.0 vs. 1.0 tools or use more user friendly articles.

Thing 2 Assignment

There are 7 1/2 habits of lifelong learners, according to the Public Library of Charlotte and Mecklenburg County---see the tutorial at

1. Begin with the end in mind.
2. Accept responsibility for your own learning.
3. View problems as challenges.
4. Have confidence in yourself as a competitive effective learner.
5. Create your own learning toolbox.
6. Use technology to your advantage.
7. Help teach/mentor others.
7.5. Play (be curious).

Let's see of of these habits, which is the hardest and which is the easiest?

I am all for lifelong learning. I like learning and using new things, especially at work (where it is easy to fall into the same routine and stagnate). I like to feel I am moving forward.

The habit that is easiest for me is 7.5. Yeah, I like to have play with new things. I look forward to finding out about new tools and new trends---that is, if I have the time. I just signed up for a Facebook account less than a week ago. I find I learn best by doing things hands on and just going where my curiosity takes me.

The hardest habit for me is 1. It's hard for me to think in the long term, so goals (the end) are hard for me to plan, especially since I'm open to change. It's hard to plan how to accomplish a goal when you don't really know what your goal is :P

Purpose of this blog

Hi! This blog is to keep track of my progress through a learning program offered to me as a staff member at the Virginia Beach Public Library. We are learning about these so called Web 2.0 tools that are out there on the internet. You can see what new things we are learning each week (and the assignments we do)!